Friday, June 17, 2011


Perhaps my favorite thing about Facebook is that my friends keep me informed of things I probably wouldn't be aware of otherwise.

Recently, a friend posted a story about two mentally challenged gay men who were forced to leave a public swimming pool in Hazard. When the official who asked them to leave was challenged on the issue, he reportedly responded that he could take this action because "the Bible" gave him the right to do so. (The story can be found here.)

I find this story to be embarrassing, as a follower of Christ and as a resident of eastern Kentucky. On behalf of all those who follow Christ, and on behalf of my eastern Kentucky neighbors, I would like to offer an apology, and to assure those two men and all who are following this story that we don't all share the sentiments of this official.

I can hear many of my evangelical friends getting in a twist already, griping about how messed up our world is when even Christians "support that sinful lifestyle." Here's what I would like to ask you to do: Forget about sin for just a minute. Whether it's a sin or not to be gay is a debate somebody else can have - I'm not interested. And it's beside the point anyway.

The point is this: We don't kick people out of a pool because they're gluttons. We don't make people leave restaurants because they have too much pride - even though the Bible states in no uncertain terms that God hates pride.

So, even if you feel that being gay is a sin, why treat it differently than any other sin?

That's just wrong.

I suppose I'm dreaming, but here's what I'd like to see: I would like to see Christ-followers of all theological and doctrinal stripes stand up and decry this humiliating act of discrimination. I already expect a huge public outcry; but it sure would be nice if that outcry came from the body of Christ.

Anybody care to join me in dreaming that dream?

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